Tuesday 19 May 2020

Quantum Atom Theory

There is no concept of ‘the moment of now’ in physics, is this why we have no Grand Unified Theory
The moment of now can be represented by the apex of the light cone with the past represented by the lower part of the light cone with a possible future represented by  the top part of the light cone. Space and time are at right angles to  each other with time being in the vertical axis rising up through the light cone and space being represented by the horizontal plain. But the theory of relativity can never give of a complete and objective  understanding of ‘the moment of now’ because there is no cause and  effect in relativity. In relativity matter tells space how to curve and space tells matter how to move.  There is no present moment that causes  the future to unfold there is just a beautiful geometrical process. But  in a new theory called ‘Quantum Atom Theory’ the Universe is explained  as a continuum of continuous energy exchange or continuous creation with  a future coming into existence relative to the atoms of the periodic  table. In this video I am going to try and explain this using the light  cone diagrams of relativity.

Kepler's Law of planetary motion

Kepler was convinced that God had created the Universe in accordance with some perfect geometrical principle! 

Did Kepler find the symmetry he was looking for in the form of broken symmetr? 
When he observed the motion of the planets he found that they move in elliptical orbits with speeds that vary relative to their distance from the Sun. As the planet moves along its path, it sweeps out an equal area segments in an equal time. So there is a form of geometrical symmetry, but the symmetry seems to be broken by the shape of the elliptical orbit. This video explains an artist theory on the physics of 'time' as a geometrical process. In this theory if the planets orbits were circular there would be no variation in speed and we would have perfect symmetry in movement space and time. This is because objects just free-fall towards the greatest energy because it has the greatest time dilation. The time dilation formed by the Sun is spherical therefore a planet in circular orbit will not encounter a gravitational difference that is formed by time dilation. 



Friction is a force between two surfaces that are sliding, or trying to slide, across each other. For example, when you try to push a book along the floor, friction makes this difficult. Friction always works in the direction opposite to the direction in which the object is moving, or trying to move.

Sunday 17 May 2020



The intrinsic functions in FORTRAN are useful but there will be a time when there is no intrinsic function to meet your needs. when the occurs you may write your own function subprogram.
you have to do one thing in the main program to use an external function you need to declare the function name in the variable declaration section. Function names follow the same rules as for variable name less then with a letter. Because of this, as variable names. once that is done and the function is written activating it is just like activating an intrinsic function.
Now you are ready to write your function. These are a few rules for writing external function:-

-> Function subprograms and any other sub programs are placed after the END statement of the main program.

-> They are started with a line that includes the type of value the function will return, the function name and the list of arguments the function takes as inputs.

-> Any variables the function uses, including the arguments, must be declared in the function right after the first line. The function name is hot declared within the function.

-> You must use the function name in an assignment statement within the function. This is how the compiler knows which value to pass back to the main program.

-> A function must finish with RETURN and END statements.

The example program below shows how to write an external function. which calculates the average of three numbers. Note the argument list inn the main program does not use the same variable names as the argument list in the function. This is not a problem because a function is a self contained entity whose only tie with the main program is the order of the values in the argument list. so in the first reference to the function, the value in A(5.0) gets transferred to x, the value in B(3.0) to z. However, 
It is the squared value (25.0,4.0,9.0) that are transferred to x,y and z respectively in the function and therefore is declared only in the function




 Functions and subroutines are FOR TRANS subprograms. Most problems that require a computer program to solve them are two complex to sit down and work all the way through them in one go. using sub programs allows you to tackle bite size pieces of  problem individually. Once each piece is working correctly you then put the pieces together to create the whole and subroutines, first write a main program that references all of the subprograms in the desired order and then start writing the subprograms . This is similar to composing an outline for an essay before writing the essay and will help keep you on track.



        Interpolation is a method of construction new date points within the range of a discrete set of known date points. It is act or process of finding the solution between the two points.    




       A random variable is a variable whose value is unknown or a function that assigns values to each of an experiments outcome. It is a variable quantity whose possible values depend in random manner on a set of random outcomes events.


Quantum Atom Theory

There is no concept of ‘the moment of now’ in physics, is this why we have no Grand Unified Theory The moment of now can be represented by t...